Our company offers free local shipping for all orders within our specified location of Bangalore. We provide direct delivery without involving any third-party shipment service, ensuring fast and reliable shipping. We aim to deliver your products the next business day after your order is placed, with no minimum order requirements to qualify for free shipping. Once your order has been processed and shipped, we will send you a confirmation email and keep you updated on the status of your delivery. Thank you for choosing our products, and we hope to provide you with the best possible shopping experience.

SECTION 1 - Shipping Policy:

We offer free local shipping for all orders within Bangalore on Specific Areas only. We deliver the products directly without involving any third-party shipment service. We deliver your products the next business day after your order is placed, for example if you place an order on 5th May and we would deliver your product on 6th May, that is we will deliver it to you within next day . Please note some orders might be delayed due to natural calamity like floods, rainy, etc, we might also delay the delivery due to huge amount order. We request you to kindly bear with the time of delivery.

There is no minimum order required to qualify for free shipping. 

SECTION 2 - International Shipping:

At this time, we do not offer international shipping.

SECTION 3 - Shipping Confirmation:

Once your order has been processed and shipped, we will send you an email to confirm that your products are on the way.

SECTION 4 - Delivery Updates:

We will keep you updated on the status of your delivery. If you have any questions or concerns about your shipment, please contact us by e-mail at thestargloww@gmail.com or by whatsapp: +91-8095568884.

Thank you for choosing our products. We strive to provide you with the best possible shopping experience, including fast and reliable shipping with next-day delivery and no minimum order requirements.

SECTION 5 - Redelivery Attempt::

In the event that you are not available to receive your order on the first delivery attempt, we will make a second attempt to deliver your products. If the second attempt is unsuccessful, we will contact you to arrange a new delivery time or we will cancel the order, and you can reorder the same product again in the future.


For more information about our Terms of Service, if you have questions, or if you would like to make a complaint, please contact us by e-mail at thestargloww@gmail.com or by whatsapp: +91-8095568884